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Prepare your e-commerce site for the sales

Focus on the e-merchant's checklist to be ready for the day of the sales

Use payment as a strategic marketing tool!

Find out how to use payment to boost your business...

Which sites offer payment in instalments?

Discover the brands that use this payment method!

Facilitating payment on an e-commerce site: Conversion effect

There are 5 axes to work on for a merchant. Overview.

Travel/Leisure: Offer Payment in Several Times

The payment facilities allow customers to pay later for their stay

What does deferred payment mean? A unique customer experience!

Make it easy for your customers to buy: conversion guaranteed!

Levers to secure payment on an e-commerce site

Customer confidence in your e-commerce site is earned through security.

Increase your conversion rate: 5 keys for e-commerce

Boosting conversion rate is the number one objective for the e-merchant!

How can you improve your customers' payment experience?

Here are 6 good practices to adopt.

Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL): new ways to boost sales

The BNPL is a real commercial weapon to boost sales

Buy Now Pay Later in France: an exploding practice

All about: The Buy Now Pay Later

Payment in several instalments in store: an innovative solution

All about the BNPL in store

Payment facilities perfectly adapted to the travel industry

All about: payment facilities adapted to the travel industry.