
Suggest the main payment methods on the market

We provide the usual payment methods
of your customers

Grow internationaly

and on new markets

We offer payment methods adapted to your customers' local habits and multilingual payment forms.

Increase conversion

and satisfaction

By enabling the payment methods your customers like and trust, the sale is made easier and your conversion rate is improved.

Boost loyalty

and retention

We help you build trust around your brand with clear directions, a personalized shopping experience and dedicated payment methods.

We enhance the experience through payment

Enabling different payment methods eliminates friction points and improves the customer experience both online and in-store.

Overview of our payment methods

Payment cards

Our payment facilities work with the most popular credit card networks (CB, Visa, MasterCard..), allowing you to reach both the French and international markets.

Visa, Mastercard, CB logos

Bank transfer / SEPA direct debit

We provide your customers with a simplified online portal allowing them to collect their debts by bank transfer or SEPA direct debit. It's simple and convenient for them!

Alternative payment methods

Offering local payment methods without any additional integration effort is a real asset: Bancontact for Belgium, Sofort Banking for Germany, or the Connect ANCV vacation voucher for France... Everything is there to support your sales.

Alternative payment methods
what we will invent with you
Let's discuss it!