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Levers to secure payment on an e-commerce site

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e-commerce payment

Customer confidence in your e-commerce site is earned through security. Focus on payment methods and basic rules to secure payment.

Securing the payment on an e-commerce site must be the norm for a merchant present on the web. Phishing, data hacking, fraud, cybercrime is everywhere on the Internet. Your customers' data are sensitive. 85% of them check the security of an e-commerce site before making a purchase. Here is what you need to know to reassure your visitor.

Offer secure payment methods

Traditional secure payment methods

61% of Internet users have abandoned their shopping cart due to unreliability. The security of the payment process is essential. Among the most common payment methods, the credit card remains the most used tool. The 3D Secure3 validation system protects the consumer from Visa or Mastercard card piracy.

Payment via an online wallet, without bank entry, is successful, as is payment via cell phone.

Protected payment facilities

To combine customer satisfaction and security, choose solutions such as payment in installments or deferred payment at 15 or 30 days. With a service like the one offered by Pledg, the payment remains totally under control for both parties. The buyer is in control of the payment process and the merchant receives full payment when the order is placed. These payment formulas are very attractive.

Clearly display the reliability of your site

Respect of the https/SSL protocol

To keep your customer on your online store until the final transaction, put him in confidence with reassuring clues. The https encryption and authentication protocol is one of the basics, provided that your SSL certificate is regularly renewed by a recognized third party.

Display of a safety pictogram throughout the purchase

"Your connection is not secure": imagine your customer's reaction if they read this warning when they arrive on your page! Make sure that a padlock is displayed in the login URL bar on your store. Any other message4 should alert you. During the checkout phase, clarity is the most important thing: your buyer should see a security icon at all times.

Carry out the necessary updates and backups

Regular system security

Another essential point is the regular update of your computer system. Hackers compete with ingenuity to hijack applications, the news reminds us daily. To prevent this, priority should be given to data backup and to monitoring the reliability of your distance selling site.

Updating certificates and antivirus software

Renewal of the https protocol of course, but also updates of plug-ins recommended by your WordPress or PrestaShop interface, for example. These achievements correct flaws in the code and protect your system from data theft. Updating your antivirus and firewall is also essential.

Avoiding the collection of banking data

When handling such sensitive information as bank account information, one must be irreproachable. For this, there are 2 options. You collect bank data in clear text: you must apply the current global standard PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard ) to avoid online fraud.

You do not comply with the PCI DSS standard: avoid entering credit card numbers. Instead, pay via an online wallet or virtual card. The Pledg payment facilities also allow the collection of data in a secure mode.

Guarantee the transparency of the data collected

There is one last precaution to take when collecting customer information: compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, aka the GDPR. This point is crucial with regard to the e-buyers on your online business. It is out of the question to collect his information for a use other than the finalization of the transaction.

Display your total transparency from the moment they arrive on your site to gain the credit of the Internet user. Inform them about how their information is used and shared with third parties. Your visitor should know exactly why you are collecting the information and where their personal data is stored.

Securing the payment on an e-commerce site is one of the fundamentals. How to achieve this? By using our deferred or split payment solutions, you are guaranteed to offer serenity to your customers. Security + ease of payment = confidence. The perfect equation to achieve 30% more sales!

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