Your business.
payment facilities.
And it works!

We design payment facilities specifically adapted to your market, your technical environment, your accounting tools, your brand image. It's simple, it's your payment facility solution.

They make it easy to pay with us

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What defines us

We accompany your customers' shopping experience, without interrupting it. Everything happens in your environment 

We blend in.

Our fully scalable solution adapts to your industry, your channels and your customers.

We calibrate.

Our solution connects to all e-commerce platforms and payment providers natively.

We fit in.

The accounting reconciliation is immediate. And we take care of the refunds management.

We ease.

And for your customers

We make it easy. We don't complicate.

Our experts are committed to facilitating payment. We use algorithms processing over 100 criteria to carefully qualify your customers to prevent any risk of overindebtedness. We are involved in every step of their repayments.

They talk about it better than we do!

What it brings you


Pledg payment facilities give more people easy access to your products.

For you, it's more growth.


Your customers buy and pay at their own pace. It's stress-free for them, and less abandonment for you.

In short, successful experiences.


You are paid immediately and the accounting reconciliation is automatic. We take care of the acceptance procedures and the refunds management.

Your teams focus on their core business and the development of the business.

Discover our solutions designed for you


On your website or marketplace, you want to :
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offer a frictionless payment experience while expanding your payment options.
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benefit from instant payment of the total amount of your purchase, without changing your habits.

... and in-store.

In a boutique or call-center, you want to :
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offer financing tailored to your customers' needs and purchases.
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enjoy a seamless workflow, from a dedicated dashboard or integration into your own systems.

They talk about us